Jan De Nul Kicks Off Prince Hendrik Sand Dike Project
Jan De Nul has begun work to reinforce the Prince Hendrik Sand Dike and expand the island of Texel. The project will create dunes to act as a water barrier and will improve the ecological value of the Wadden Sea. Dredging is just part of the work that will expand the island creating a diverse area with dunes, a beach, a lagoon with tidal flats, mudflats and saltmarshes, a sheltered water area and high-water refuges.
Approximately 5 million cubic meters (6.5 million cubic yards) of sand is being dredged from the North Sea by the trailing suction hopper dredge Bartolomeu Dias and then transported via floating pipeline over 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) of beach. Bulldozers will spread the sand on the beach.
The project is being undertaken through a cooperation between and financial contribution of the Water Board “Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noordkwartier,” the province of North-Holland, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Water Management, the municipality of Texel and the Wadden Fund.
During the works, an experience center on top of the dike near the Prince Hendrik pumping station will inform residents and tourists. Work is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.