Royal Boskalis Turns to Biofuels
Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) has begun using a biofuel blend for its trailing suction hopper dredge Prins der Nederlanden and previously used a B50 biofuel blend in equipment for the Marker Wadden dredging project. The use of the blend is part of the “Boskalis on Bio” program that included the company signing a long-term partnership with biofuel supplier GoodFuels. The B50 product consists of 50 percent residual products from the paper industry.
Boskalis has set a goal of a 35 percent reduction in carbon emissions for its fleet and equipment over the next five years. Boskalis conducted sea trials of biofuel and found it reduced emissions up to 90 percent compared to the use of fossil fuels.
Boskalis now uses this fuel to power not just its vessels but also its dry earthmoving equipment and trucks in the Netherlands.