
Chief’s Report Signed For Brazos River Floodgates/Colorado River Locks Project

Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, signed a Chief of Engineers Report for the proposed Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Brazos River Floodgates and Colorado River Locks project on October 24. The report outlines the feasibility study to improve navigation efficiency by selecting a plan to maintain the GIWW as a nationally significant waterway system while continuing to provide water and sediment management capability and navigation safety.

“I could not be more proud of the work my team has done to get to this signed Chief’s Report,” said Col. Timothy Vail, Galveston Engineer District commander. “It’s a great and vital project that, when authorized and funded, will do tremendous good in terms of safety and efficiency of one of the most significant transportation corridors in the country, the GIWW.”

The Chief’s Report recommends a plan to improve the existing GIWW inland navigation project at the Brazos River and Colorado River structures.

“We would like to thank our non-federal study partner, the Texas Department of Transportation, which actively participated in the development of the scope, alternative formulation and analysis of alternatives as they pertain to this important project,” said Franchelle Craft Nealy, Galveston District project manager.

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One of the primary functions of the Corps is to maintain safe, reliable, and efficient waterway systems for the movement of commerce, national security and recreation. 

“The Brazos River Floodgates and Colorado River Locks were constructed to prevent excessive sedimentation in the GIWW,” Nealy said. “And minimizing sedimentation continues to a primary objective for the facilities.”

The Chief’s Report was submitted to the assistant secretary of the Army-civil works for review. Following review and approval, it will be submitted to Congress for authorization and funding.