
House Members Stand Up For Cost-Share Reform

On March 31, 78 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee requesting that lock and dam projects funded by Inland Waterways Trust Fund dollars be changed to conform to the 75 percent federal/25 percent IWTF split that applies to most deep-draft ports. The split is currently 50/50, except for one-time exceptions to some lock and dam projects.

The bipartisan letter, led by Rep. Conor Lamb (D-Pa.) and Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), showed wide geographic support, with 31 Democrats and 47 Republicans from 20 states participating.

Paul Rohde, vice president-Midwest region for Waterways Council Inc., said, “This is an extremely encouraging number, given the attention to COVID-19 on Capitol Hill and the logistical challenges of Hill staffers working from home.”

Participants included 13 members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, nine Appropriations Committee members,  seven from Ways and Means, and five from the Budget Committee.

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Several other members of Congress declined to sign onto the letter but indicated they would include it in their outreach to Transportation and Infrastructure staff.

WCI thanked its members who reached out to members of Congress to urge their participation.