For the fourth year, 40 of the industry’s future leaders were honored at the Inland Marine Expo with the “40 Under 40” award, which recognizes individuals for their outstanding contributions to the inland marine transportation industry in a variety of fields. All 40 honorees were nominated by executives and peers for their hard work and dedication to the industry.
Over the course of 10 weeks, The Waterways Journal is featuring all 40 recipients. This week we recognize Lukas Lonergan, Keith McDonough, Marcus Miller and Mason Moore.

Lukas Lonergan
Lukas Lonergan, 29, is a manager for American River Transportation Company (ARTCO), based in St. Louis, Mo.
Some of his notable achievements include helping develop standard operating procedures and implementing a new towing safety management system among his employees.
“Lukas is a world-class leader in the inland marine industry,” said Chris Forest, terminal manager at ADM, adding that he understands the importance of safety and has helped multiple locations reach more than a year without an injury.
“Lukas is truly a rising star in the industry and deserves to be recognized,” Forrest said.

Keith McDonough
Keith McDonough, 25, is a structural engineer for SCF Services of Sauget, Ill.
McDonough has been with SCF since he was a part-time summer worker in high school. He worked his way up from sweeping the floors in the machine shop to machine shop supervisor, then advancing to his current position.
“He is a great example that hard work and dedication pays off,” said Bart Freeman, purchasing manager for SCF Marine.

Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller, 36, is a port captain for Canal Barge Company of New Orleans, La.
Miller is port captain of Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and Unit Tow Operations for Canal Barge Company.
He started with the company in 2005 as a deckhand, working his way up to vessel tankerman, shore tankerman, pilot, captain and now port captain. His responsibilities include managing vessel tankermen and the unit tow vessels, which primarily work the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. He also helps develop up-and-coming captains.
“Over the course of his 14 years with us, Marcus has gained significant experience and knowledge of cargo operations, unit tow requirements, and navigation on the GIWW,” said Hannah Chotin Macgowan, corporate communications manager for Canal Barge Company.

Mason Moore
Mason Moore, 23, is operations manager for General Marine Services in Baton Rouge, La.
Moore began his career in the marine industry as an 18-year-old deckhand in 2016, received his tankerman PIC certificate and then transitioned into the office as operations assistant.
His father, Gene Moore, owner of General Marine Services, wanted his son to understand what it was like to work on the boats and gain experience before coming into the office and managing the equipment, as it was important for him to be able to relate to the people who would depend on his future leadership, said Jamie Halter, consultant with Halter Consulting LLC.
Moore was promoted to operations manager in March 2020 amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.
“Moore has met those challenges through hard work, diligence and safe operations,” Halter said.