Dredging & Marine Construction

Galveston District Launches ‘Story Map’ For Sabine Pass To Galveston Bay Project

The Galveston Engineer District has launched a new online interactive tool to educate residents on the Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay Coastal Storm Risk Management Program (S2G).

Devastating storms have plagued the coast of Texas for decades, claiming thousands of lives and damaging homes, businesses, infrastructure and ecosystems in the process. The S2G program has been established to deliver a cost-effective, ecologically sound solution that will reduce coastal storm surge risks to residential structures, industries and businesses in Orange, Jefferson and Brazoria counties to ensure the Texas coast remains resilient for years to come.

The S2G Program is composed of three coastal storm risk management (CSRM) projects: improvements to existing hurricane flood protection features in the Freeport and Port Arthur regions and the construction of a brand new system in southern Orange County. 

Called a “story map,” the online tool is an interactive web feature that integrates maps, legends, text, photos and video and lets users swipe, pop-up additional information and slide across timelines and other features to explore content about the projects to educate the public and provide timely information on the S2G program.  It allows the public to virtually tour project features and offers detailed information about project activities in their communities, helping the public stay engaged throughout the construction process. 

“This tool is designed to be easily modified using filters and data layers to enable users to obtain the most up-to-date information about these projects,” said Rick Vera, Geospatial Branch chief with the Galveston District. He added that users seeking to quickly customize geospatial-populated information related to construction projects will find this tool useful.

“Having this online story map tool is just one more way of communicating this important S2G program,” Vera said.

To view the story map, visit https://sabine-to-galveston-usace-swg.hub.arcgis.com/.

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