
Amogy Announces Partnership With South Korean Shipbuilder

Amogy, a pioneer in ammonia-to-electrical power solutions, announced on April 23 a contract with one of South Korea’s largest shipbuilders, Hanwha Ocean, to deploy a newbuild ammonia-powered commercial vessel.

Hanwha Ocean’s parent company has been a leading voice in the movement to decarbonize the shipping industry. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January, the company’s vice chairman, Dong Kwan Kim, presented an article about driving change in the industry.

Kim introduced Hanwha’s plans to build a zero-emission gas carrier. Powered entirely by alternative fuels, the new vessel will be an industry first, developed using Hanwha’s proprietary green technology. Hanwha has a strong footprint in clean energy, with a value chain covering the production of solar, hydrogen and wind energy as well as clean energy storage systems.

“Hanwha is challenging existing industry frameworks, spearheading new innovations and paving the way for maritime decarbonization,” Kim said. “We’re taking a holistic approach to the energy transition, driving disruptive change not only in the production and storage of clean energy but in transportation as well. Advancing green ship technology and establishing a robust clean energy value chain will help us gain ground in our journey toward net zero.”

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This contract with Amogy, which includes participation from Hanwha Aerospace, developer of a hydrogen fuel cell system, is a significant step in Hanwa’s efforts to propel the industry forward and lead the way in some of the recommendations outlined in the WEF article.

Amogy’s innovative ammonia-to-electrical power system splits, or “cracks,” liquid ammonia into its base elements of hydrogen and nitrogen on-site, and then funnels the hydrogen into a fuel cell, generating high-performance power at five times the energy density of lithium batteries. This technology offers a sustainable, clean energy solution tailored for industries such as maritime shipping and power generation.