For the seventh year, 40 of the industry’s future leaders were honored at the Inland Marine Expo with the “40 Under 40” award, which recognizes individuals for their outstanding contributions to the inland marine transportation industry in a variety of fields. All 40 honorees were nominated by executives and peers for their hard work and dedication to the industry.
Over the course of 10 weeks, The Waterways Journal is featuring recipients of this year’s 40 Under 40 award. This week we recognize Lee “Max” Scafidi, Meghan Marshall Schimpf, Khouri Spencer and David Staines.
Lee “Max” Scafidi
Lee “Max” Scafidi, 40, is staff surveyor, auditor and appraiser for Sabine Surveyors of Metairie, La.

Scafidi is a second-generation maritime professional with more than 15 years of sailing experience.
Upon graduation from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 2006, he began a career as an officer on board coastwise and ocean-going U.S. flag oil tankers and as a captain on near coastal and inland towing vessels. He holds an ocean-going license as a master of self-propelled vessels of fewer than 1,600 gross tons, a master of towing vessels upon oceans and a second mate’s license of any gross tonnage.
At Sabine Surveyors, Scafidi serves as a marine surveyor and marine asset appraiser and auditor. He has developed expertise in conducting vessel surveys of inland and oceangoing vessels, barges, cranes and waterside facility equipment and specializes in the appraisal of all commercial marine assets.
“His skills as a marine surveyor and comprehensive knowledge of conducting appraisals allow him to assess the condition and value of marine assets accurately and concisely,” said Robert Keister, Sabine Surveyors vice president. “He is well-versed in industry standards and conducts marine appraisals compliant with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).”
Keister described Scafidi as a strong shipboard leader and respected manager, adding that he is resourceful, dedicated, professional and forward-thinking, a team player and “always willing to go the extra mile for his clients and co-workers.”
“All of us see Max as a positive present and future contributor to the industry,” Keister said.
Meghan Marshall Schimpf
Meghan Marshall Schimpf, 39, is vice president of administration at Chem Carriers in Sunshine, La.

Schimpf graduated from Louisiana State University and began her career in human resources. Although her primary duties remain in the HR department, she is now also in charge of the maintenance department, something Chem Carriers executive vice president Jeff Norgress said came as a result of her attention to detail, planning capabilities and management skills.
“Meghan has the ability to employ crew members, oversee the crewing of vessels, schedule maintenance items, payroll, purchasing and now I am asking her to learn claims, and with no surprise, she is excelling at that as well,” Norgress said.
He added that she is the kind of employee every company dreams of, not only excelling at any task given but also taking initiative without being asked and making improvements to how the company operates.
“She is the definition of a leader and has set an example for everyone to follow,” Norgress said. “Meghan takes a hands-on approach to problem-solving and is always looking for ways to make our company more efficient while at the same time keeping the family values and personal touch that make our company unique. Meghan is the heartbeat of our company, and her responsibilities affect every facet of daily operation. Whether it is the shoreside or crew members, all of Chem Carriers will agree that Meghan is the most deserving of this recognition.”
Khouri Spencer
Khouri Spencer, 32, is human resources manager for Parker Towing Company in Northport, Ala.

Parker Towing Company President Tim Parker said Spencer has demonstrated “an unwavering commitment to fostering a positive workplace environment.”
Through strategic HR practices, she has enhanced employee satisfaction, engagement and overall organizational effectiveness, Parker said. Additionally, he noted her in-depth knowledge of the Jones Act, which he said has proven invaluable to the company.
“Her expertise in this crucial maritime legislation ensures that Parker Towing Company operates in compliance with regulations, mitigating risks and maintaining a strong legal standing within the industry,” Parker said. “This level of regulatory understanding is essential for a company operating in the maritime sector, and Khouri’s proficiency significantly contributes to the success and sustainability of Parker Towing Company.”Beyond her administrative and regulatory tasks, Spencer plays a pivotal role in supporting more than 400 employees, Parker said.
“Her dedication to their well-being and professional development not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the maritime operations,” Parker said. “Khouri’s hands-on approach and commitment to the well-being of the mariners make her an indispensable asset to the team.”
David Staines
David Staines, 37, is director of marketing, dry cargo, for Canal Barge Company Inc. in New Orleans.

Staines is a New Orleans native. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in sports management from Southeastern Louisiana University and his Master of Business Administration degree from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University.
After completing his MBA, Staines joined Canal Barge Company as a dispatcher in 2014, working in multiple areas of the company’s operations and throughout the inland river system. He then joined the quality and decision management team, driving data collection and analysis of the company’s towing system, said Jacob Kissee, the company’s corporate communications manager. Staines then led the integration of a new logistics and data collection system for the entirety of the CBC vessel fleet and the transportation services team. He now directly manages all CBC Dry Cargo Operations working closely with CBC Senior VP of Marketing David Lane, Kissee said.
In his remarks about Staines for his 2022 CBC President’s Award announcement, Canal Barge Company President and CEO Merritt Lane said that Staines “brings positive energy, passion for learning and improvement all around to everything that he does” and “has taken advantage of every opportunity he has been given over the years.”
David Lane, senior vice president of marketing, described Staines as an “unstoppable and energetic” force and someone who is always willing to go the extra mile for his coworkers and customers.
Staines lives in Metairie, La., and is married with two sons, the youngest of whom was born in February.