For all queries about your magazine subscription, please contact our circulation manager, Pat Platter, at pat@wjinc.net or 314.561.4709.
Almost all of WJ’s magazine content is published on Waterwaysjournal.net. A digital version of our magazine is also available on our site.  
Our web-only content, most magazine content, and archives are available on WaterwaysJournal.net. All readers have access to the homepage, section front pages, and four articles per week at no charge before being asked to subscribe. Subscribers get unlimited access to WaterwaysJournal.net, as well as subscriptions to the print and digital editions of the magazine. To learn more about our paywall, see this note from our Publisher here.
We are always thinking of new benefits and expect to add more in the future.
In order to have unlimited access on WaterwaysJournal.net, you need to have a WaterwaysJournal.net login and a valid subscription. If it is your first time signing in to WaterwaysJournal.net, you may need to verify your subscription. At that time, your subscription will be associated with your WaterwaysJournal.net login and you’ll have unlimited access to WaterwaysJournal.net at no extra charge.
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Yes. Your shopping cart transactions are secure, and we do not store any sensitive data on site.
As your subscription nears its renewal date, you will receive an email alerting you to the date and steps to take to renew. This can all be handled online, or through our circulation manager, Pat Platter, who can be reached at pat@wjinc.net or 314.561.4709.
You can send story ideas and press releases to our Editor, John Shoulberg, at john@wjinc.net.