Rivers Of Optimism At Waterways Symposium Rivers Of Optimism At Waterways Symposium
Rivers Of Optimism At Waterways Symposium

The title of the Waterways Council Inc.’s annual symposium held November 14-16 in Chicago, Ill., at the Hotel Sofitel, was “Rivers of Optimism: Catch the Wave.” A distinguished line-up of… Read More

Obituary: Bruce Scherr

April 10, 2020

Bruce Scherr, former president and CEO of Informa Economics, died April 5 in Florida. Scherr joined what was then Sparks Companies in 1987, eventually reaching the post of president and… Read More

After China reacted swiftly to punitive U.S. tariffs on a range of Chinese goods with a list of possible counter-tariffs on U.S. exports including soybeans, the American Soybean Association (ASA)… Read More

Kirby Corporation, Houston, Texas, announced February 4 the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire Higman Marine Inc. and its affiliated companies for approximately $419 million in cash, subject to… Read More