House Passes Biden's Build Back Better Act House Passes Biden's Build Back Better Act
House Passes Biden's Build Back Better Act

Washington, D.C.—The House narrowly approved President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act, a roughly $1.7 trillion social spending and climate bill that also would provide millions more for maritime infrastructure on… Read More

Speaking at the Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference on December 2, Col. Scott Preston, commander and district engineer for the Tulsa Engineer District, said Congress had appropriated $27 million for projects… Read More

WCI To Honor Inhofe

January 27, 2020

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) will receive Waterways Council Inc.’s 19th Annual Leadership Service Award on Thursday, February 13, on Capitol Hill. Inhofe is chairman of the Senate Armed Services… Read More

WRDA 2020 Efforts

July 12, 2019

Washington, D.C.–A key House panel officially kicked off an effort to pass a water resources development bill in 2020, with leading members from both parties committing once again to sticking… Read More

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt told a key Senate panel that his agency will stick to its schedule to have a replacement for the contentious Waters of… Read More