After an extensive consultative process with the inland waterways industry, the Coast Guard is proposing to amend the requirements regulating personnel permitted to serve as a person in charge (PIC)… Read More

An update message from the National Maritime center is warning mariners that when they apply for Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), they must list their occupation as Merchant Mariner. “Personal… Read More

Washington, D.C.—A measure that includes funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers kicked off a process that has been conspicuously absent for years when conferees met to hammer out… Read More

A Coast Guard proposal to change what it says is an “obsolete” radar observer renewal requirement from merchant mariner credentials has a 30-day comment period. The proposal has sparked varied… Read More

Washington, D.C.—The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers joined other federal agencies in committing to a  memorandum the Trump administration says will streamline environmental reviews and eliminate needless delays of major… Read More