Letters To The Editor

IMX 2019

As a WJ subscriber, I took advantage of your most generous offer to attend IMX 2019 at the Dome.  I took my brother-in-law, a fellow retiree from the power generation industry.  He lives in O’Fallon, Mo.  We both got a kick out of our name tag designations as “Retired.”  Special thanks goes to your staff for arranging this odd registration for the event.

As we visited the various display booths, we both got a tremendous lesson in Towboat 101.  And, I could not believe how many friends were there from Paducah and Nashville.

Today, as a Coast Guard Auxiliary member, I am manning the front desk at MSU Paducah, reading the WJ article on Mark Knoy’s keynote address.  Mark certainly knows how to tie it all together.  Back in the day, as crew dispatcher at Wisconsin Barge Line, I was Delbert Knoy’s crew dispatcher when he ran captain there.

Thank you for putting icing on the cake!

John Crivello

Paducah, Ky.