Letter: L. Wade Childress Letter: L. Wade Childress
Letter: L. Wade Childress

It seems hard to believe it will be 37 years ago—December 19, 1985—that the towboat L. Wade Childress tuned turtle (sinking) at Ft Madison, Iowa., in 30 feet of water off… Read More

Letter: Why No Tug?

April 30, 2024

Regarding recent articles in WJ concerning the Dali which struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge: the Dali was not accompanied by a tug.  It would have seemed to me that… Read More

The state of Minnesota is getting pressure from groups interested in deterring the movement of invasive carp up the Mississippi River to Minnesota waters. Up until now, the one major… Read More

Having recently attended the Missouri Navigators Meeting at Jefferson City, Mo., I heard much about recent improvements that have been made to that waterway by the Corps of Engineers. While… Read More

Letter: Clean Ports Program

December 27, 2023

Ports across the U.S. will be waiting eagerly to hear about how they can apply for the new $3 billion Clean Ports Program grants. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is… Read More

Be aware of the coming change to navigational lock and dams. One cannot overstate the cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) danger coming as the Army Corps of Engineers is on… Read More

Letter: Insurance Review

November 11, 2023

Ports and terminal operators need to be vigilant of how they insure themselves in the event of vessel collisions as well as accidental damage to infrastructure. The starting point is… Read More

For some time now I’ve been meaning to write The Waterways Journal to tell you and Capt. David Smith just how much I have enjoyed the “Old Boat” column. These… Read More

To The Editor: At the recent Inland Marine Expo (IMX) conference, we discussed changing weather conditions with a number of ports at our stand. From flooding to hurricanes, extreme weather… Read More

Your April 7 editorial “Tax Incentive Expands to Include All Jones Act Vessels” praises the Capital Construction Fund’s expansion as a measure to encourage the U.S. merchant marine’s modernization and expansion. These… Read More

Letter: Mv. Capt. Rick Neale

January 18, 2023

It was so good  to see Capt. David Smith’s column featuring the Capt. Rick Neale (“Weirton Express”) featured as the first “Old Boat” of the New Year in the January… Read More