
GLDD Announces More Than $60 Million In New Contracts

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (GLDD), the largest U.S. provider of dredging services, has announced new dredging awards worth $60.9 million. The company announced the four contracts January 11, though the company applied the awards to its year-end 2020 backlog figures.

The North County Comprehensive Shore Protection Project is valued at $21.2 million and involves beach renourishment in Palm Beach County, Fla. Sand will be dredged from an offshore borrow area and placed on Juno and Jupiter-Carlin beaches, providing habitat for nesting turtles and other wildlife and offering storm protection. Work on this project is expected to be complete next month.

The U.S. Naval Station Mayport and Jacksonville Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project is worth $21.2 million and involves work in the naval station’s approach channels and the turning basin. The project also includes maintenance dredging in the federal channel of the Jacksonville, Fla., harbor. Work for this project will take place in both Georgia and Florida, with the Jacksonville Engineer District as the client. The project will commence later in the first quarter of 2021, with completion anticipated by the third quarter this year.

The U.S. Naval Station Kings Bay Maintenance Dredging Project, worth $15.8 million, will involve dredging the entrance channel to Kings Bay Naval Station, with work in both Georgia and Florida. Compatible material will be used beneficially at Fort Clinch and Fernandina beaches. The remaining material will be placed in a designated disposal area. The Jacksonville Engineer District is the client for the project, which is federally funded. Work is expected to commence this week, with the project complete sometime in the first quarter of 2021.

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Finally, the Brunswick Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging Subcontract, worth $2.7 million, will involve dredging the Cedar Hammock Range of the Brunswick Entrance Channel in Georgia. The project is connected to channel maintenance for the Port of Brunswick. The Savannah Engineer District is the client. This project is expected to be complete sometime this month.

“Great Lakes is pleased to announce these important coastal protection and maintenance projects,” said David Simonelli, GLDD chief operating officer. “The U.S. Naval Station projects will ensure U.S. Navy surface vessels based in Mayport and submarines from Kings Bay have safe access to the Atlantic Ocean. All of these projects are aligned with our strategy to support the overall improvement and resiliency of our country’s environment, coastlines and infrastructure.”