Letters To The Editor

Towboat Watercolor

I wanted to find a way to thank everyone for your kindness that you have shown to me in dealing with the difficulties of the mail service, and the great lengths you have gone to making sure that the issues arrive to me.

When I received a postcard with a package of issues, I showed that postcard to another inmate here who is a mariner; he worked for the Military Sealift Command, and I explained to him about difficulties in receiving the issues, the kindness that everyone has shown me and I thought something more was needed than a simple thank you.

A week or so went by and he suggested that he could do a watercolor of that postcard, and I could send it to you as a thank-you gift.

His name is Jeb Dishman.

I agreed with him, and in a couple of weeks this is what he produced for me to gift to you.

It is best viewed in the early morning light or in the late evening light to best enjoy it and to stand back a few feet as if watching the fleet work in St. Louis Harbor.

It is a double blessing now, as it is not only a thank you gift, but a “housewarming gift” to welcome you into your new office space that is so far away from the river.

I pray that you receive this in your hearts with deepest thanks and that it guides you along the path of humbleness that each one of you conveys to the world. God bless your new office, God bless each of you and your families, and may his countenance always be upon you.

Christopher H. McCoy

Seagoville, Texas