Letter: Pete Merrill

October 28, 2019

I was looking at the latest Waterways Journal and who jumps off the page, but my mentor Pete Merrill! It was great to read about his family and the great… Read More

Letter: Crew Change

October 28, 2019

I was watching a crew change of barge workers from the towboat to the limo. The fresh crew: ready, willing and able. The crew that was relieved: happy time in… Read More

Passing Of A River Legend

October 25, 2019

When Charlie Jones, president of Amherst Madison,  died at the age of 101, he could look back on a river career with few parallels. During World War II, Jones served… Read More

Where Is The Dredging Money?

September 13, 2019

This issue of The Waterways Journal, with its theme of safety and environmental stewardship, shows a more expansive picture than usual of how the entire waterways community and its extended… Read More