Washington, D.C.—Opponents of a provision they warned could kill waterways projects and other infrastructure work across the nation welcomed news that it failed to make it into the version of… Read More

On February 5 Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Bill Shuster met to discuss the Waterways Development Act conference bill and appear to have broken an impasse that has existed since… Read More

On February 5 Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Bill Shuster met to discuss the Waterways Development Act conference bill and appear to have broken an impasse that has existed since… Read More

Dustin Davidson has been named director of government relations for Waterways Council Inc. (WCI). With vast Capitol Hill experience, Davidson most recently served as professional staff member for the House… Read More

Washington, D.C.—Deputy Maritime Administrator Richard Balzano, conceding even he did not know key details of the Trump administration’s infrastructure initiative, laid out markers the maritime industry must meet to participate,… Read More