Past Successes Of Navigation Program Touted For New WRDA Past Successes Of Navigation Program Touted For New WRDA
Past Successes Of Navigation Program Touted For New WRDA

Washington, D.C.—Key officials touted the success of the current investment in the nation’s navigation program to lawmakers now working on the Water Resources Development Act of 2024. “It has forced… Read More

The Supreme Court’s overturning of the so-called Chevron deference doctrine in its June 28 Loper Bright decision may be one of the more consequential decisions of the Roberts court, with… Read More

The Supreme Court released its decision May 25 in one of the most anxiously awaited cases of its entire docket, Sackett v. EPA.  The court handed a victory to the… Read More

A federal judge in North Dakota has blocked the Biden administration’s new definition of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) from taking effect in 24 states. Judge Daniel Hovland of… Read More