Letters To The Editor

Positive Approach

About a month ago, I was listening to the news and all the negative things going on in the world and when I finally had enough, I picked up the May 18 edition of The Waterways Journal. As I was reading the varied articles, it suddenly occurred to me how different and more enjoyable  this news magazine is in its approach. It is all about how companies are trying to satisfy their customers’ ongoing needs and adjusting to the effects of COVID-19.

The Waterways Journal offers a positive approach to our changing environment. It recognizes the problems, but it does not dwell on the negatives. It talks of people and companies finding solutions for their customers and businesses.

I had worked in the waterways business for over 30 years and have continued my subscription to the Journal into retirement. I don’t think I have ever appreciated The Waterways Journal publication more than I am right now with all the unrest going on in our country.

Please keep up the good work and your approach to getting the news out.

Dick Lambert

St. Paul, Minn.