Letters To The Editor

Letter: The Patrick Gass

It was with great pleasure I read the “Old Boat” article in the June 13, 2022, edition of The Waterways Journal. 

In the summers of 1951 and 1952, I went aboard the towboat Patrick Gass as a cabin boy, as I was too young to be on deck. In 1958, as I was passing through the north St. Louis harbor as a captain on a small contractor boat, I saw the Patrick Gass moored to  a dock. That was the last time I had any knowledge or sighting of the boat until reading the article in The Waterways Journal.

I really enjoyed reading the article. It brought back many great memories. Along with that article, I also enjoy reading many other articles in the Journal.

Thank you for continuing to publish The Waterways Journal.

Charles Kerns

Plattsmouth, Neb.