This is to commend your editorial recognizing and saluting the maritime industry’s interconnectedness with numerous military veterans (Veterans Power The Inland Waterways, WJ November 14).  The Port of Paducah certainly fits… Read More

Winter is coming, in more ways than one, and it will have resounding impact on the inland marine industry. Subchapter M has come into full force as of July, and… Read More

Letters: Bob Greene

October 24, 2022

From two retired Jeffboat executives regarding the passing of Bob Greene (See WJ October 17): “Bob was probably the nicest gentleman I had the pleasure of serving with in my… Read More

I was sorry to read the obituary notice for 92-year-old Capt. Vernon Sturgeon in the July 25 issue of The Waterways Journal. Although I had only met or spoken to… Read More

Letter: The Patrick Gass

August 16, 2022

It was with great pleasure I read the “Old Boat” article in the June 13, 2022, edition of The Waterways Journal.  In the summers of 1951 and 1952, I went… Read More

I was reading the very well-written obituary about Pete Merrill in the April 18 issue, and it brought back a flood of memories about this extremely talented, caring and fun-loving… Read More

Letter: Keith Norrington

April 21, 2022

For Keith Norrington: Keith, the fine comedian Bob Hope had a saying, “Thanks for the Memories.” Well I feel comfortable in passing that line on to you. Not only did… Read More

Letter: Old Boat Column

April 21, 2022

My subscription to the WJ dates back to November 1963 when Roy Barkhau was writing the column. I even got to meet Donald T. Wright on one occasion when he… Read More

Again, many thanks to Keith Norrington for the Old Boat Column in general and for the column in the January 24, 2022, WJ. Keith continues to delight with his writings. Read More