Barge Fleet Cargo Is Diverse Barge Fleet Cargo Is Diverse
Barge Fleet Cargo Is Diverse

Ken Eriksen By Ken Eriksen There is a saying that “cargo is king.” It is obvious, but a continual reminder is nice: without cargo there is no need for barges,… Read More

Doug McGinnis, heir to a river-related business family, founder of a group of companies that include drydocks, shipyards and towing companies, and River Hall of Fame member, passed away at… Read More

It’s evident to anyone who depends on logistics—in other words, pretty much everyone—that the supply chain is in a mess. We now know, according to figures newly released by the… Read More

The Louisville Engineer District announced on its Facebook page May 16 that the last sunken barge had been removed from McAlpine Dam. Nine barges became pinned against the dam when… Read More