Twice a year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Missouri River Basin Water Management Division hosts public meetings to discuss the Missouri River Mainstem System, upper basin runoff, and reservoir… Read More

The Corps of Engineers announced February 7 that all 2018 stored flood waters were evacuated from the Missouri River mainstem reservoir system as of January 29. The full 16.3 million… Read More

The Corps of Engineers’ Missouri River Basin Water Management Division plans to maintain higher-than-average releases from reservoirs in the upper Missouri basin through the summer and fall. That means that… Read More

The Corps of Engineers will maintain higher-than-average releases from Gavins Point Dam into the Missouri River over the next few months, the Corps’ Missouri River Basin Water Management Division said… Read More

The Corps of Engineers Missouri River Basin Water Management Division said it will maintain higher-than-average releases from all projects on the system over the next several months. “Due to higher-than-average… Read More

The Corps of Engineers has increased its Missouri Basin runoff forecast for 2018 to 30.2 million acre feet (maf.). The forecast has been increasing each month this year; in March,… Read More