Navy And Marine Brass, Members Of Congress Visit Shipyards Navy And Marine Brass, Members Of Congress Visit Shipyards
Navy And Marine Brass, Members Of Congress Visit Shipyards

A delegation from the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, along with Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Ala.), visited a trio of shipyards along the Gulf Coast March… Read More

The Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau (TVIB) has launched a drydock and internal structural examination certification course. The three-day course is being held virtually for now with plans to transition back… Read More

The Candy Boat

December 27, 2018

On this Christmas Eve, the Old Boat Column editor concludes his seventh year of penning river history vignettes with a sweet story of the Polly. Affectionately known as “The Candy… Read More

Safety Profile: Jo Ann Salyers

September 28, 2018

The past few years have been busy ones for Jo Ann Salyers as towing operators readied for the final implementation of Subchapter M. As the sole proprietor of consulting firm… Read More