Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards announced April 17 that the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) will receive an $18.5 million grant from the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council… Read More

The Corps of Engineers has increased its Missouri Basin runoff forecast for 2018 to 30.2 million acre feet (maf.). The forecast has been increasing each month this year; in March,… Read More

Louisiana’s Mississippi River Delta and coast have made headlines of late, thanks to a pair of studies that examine flooding and coastal erosion, a state-issued coastal quarantine and the recently-announced… Read More

The Port of New Orleans hosted its 10th annual Cargo Connections Conference last week, with shippers, ocean carriers and industry leaders gathering in New Orleans’ Warehouse District April 8–10 to… Read More

Washington, D.C.—The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers joined other federal agencies in committing to a  memorandum the Trump administration says will streamline environmental reviews and eliminate needless delays of major… Read More