IMX State Of The Industry: Economy Roaring Back, With Bumps In Road IMX State Of The Industry: Economy Roaring Back, With Bumps In Road
IMX State Of The Industry: Economy Roaring Back, With Bumps In Road

The post-pandemic boom is taking off, despite bumps and unevenness in some sectors, and should benefit barged commodities overall. That message, very welcome to attendees, was the highlight of the… Read More

Doing Earmarks Right

March 12, 2021

This space has long supported what used to be called congressional earmarks and are now being revived and rebranded as “community project funding.” Earmarks are bills, or clauses in bills,… Read More

This year’s recipients of Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants, announced last week, include three of special interest to Waterways Journal readers. The unique grant-giving program has proven to… Read More

Washington, D.C.—The chief of engineers and commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did not hesitate when asked to advise a key Senate committee on any changes it… Read More

The topic of congressional earmarks is news again, and that’s a good thing. President Donald Trump has suggested bringing back the congressional budget process known as earmarks, in which members… Read More