In testimony before a February 13 hearing of the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) argued that “nowhere in the country are… Read More
WJ Editorial
The Waterways Journal advocates for policies, practices and regulations that allow the barge transportation industry to continue to operate in the safest and most economical way possible. We recognize those leaders who understand the inherent advantages of barge transport, and challenge those who push harmful policies.
The Waterways Journal welcomes letters from readers on any subjects related to the river industry or covered in our articles or editorials. To send a letter, please click here.
In the first two years of his term, President Donald Trump generated a lot of discussion about infrastructure. Many in the inland maritime community were encouraged when he highlighted waterways… Read More
I read the story of Mr. Phillips, and his journey down the Mississippi River, and his overcoming many hardships that life had dealt him. I enjoyed the narrative, since I too… Read More
After the January 28 Waterways Journal went to press, the White House and Congress finally agreed on a measure to temporarily end the partial shutdown of government—for three weeks, at… Read More
The U.S. Coast Guard, the oldest of the nation’s armed military service branches, has not always gotten the respect it has earned and deserves. Historically it has not always been… Read More
The U.S. merchant marine has always enjoyed bipartisan support. It’s also the case, however, that its opponents have come from across the ideological spectrum. Prominent among them are the extreme… Read More
In a year filled with legislative and regulatory victories for the barge industry, the landmark bipartisan passage and signing of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA, sometimes also known as… Read More
As a former employee of Federal Barge Lines (FBL) from 1972–1979, I very much enjoyed the article by Dan Hubbell in the December 17 issue titled “Federal Barge Lines Helped… Read More
As long as the standoff over funding for a border wall persists between President Donald Trump and his Democratic opposition in the House of Representatives, with its new Democratic majority,… Read More
One of the most encouraging stories of 2018 has been Congress’ bipartisan determination to address infrastructure needs. Once it became clear that infrastructure plans floated by President Trump were unacceptable… Read More