U.S. Inland Barge Fleet Aging Despite Getting Bigger U.S. Inland Barge Fleet Aging Despite Getting Bigger
U.S. Inland Barge Fleet Aging Despite Getting Bigger

The fleet of barges plying the inland rivers and waterways of the Mississippi River and Gulf Intracoastal Canal are aging, and that process is not likely to slow down anytime… Read More

Attendees at the recently concluded Inland Marine Expo were treated to an informative and fast-paced look at the U.S. economy through the lens of statistics important to barge operators. In… Read More

Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals Inc. (IRPT) presented speakers who examined current conditions and evaluated the foreseeable future as part of its annual conference September 19-21 in Louisville, Ky. State… Read More

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources closed public comments August 10 regarding a proposed 1.6mile-long barge terminal and fleet on the Illinois River. Derek Egan and Illinois & Michigan Oil of Joliet… Read More